What is the sum of 289 and 410 in number name form? ASix hundred and ninety two BSix hundred and eighty five CSix hundred and ninety nine DSix hundred and fifty four
Constellations are a group of stars that form a particular shape in the sky. Each of them has been given a specific name. Which organisation is responsible for naming constellations? AFederation of Astronomical Societies BNASA CThe International Astronomical Union DISRO
Each planet in the solar system has seasons. On which of the following planets the length of each season is of about 3 years? AVenus BSaturn CNeptune DJupiter
What do Sombrero, Chihuahua, Acapulco and Taco have in common? AThey are American Indian tribes. BThey are all associated with Mexico. CThey are all types of hats. DThey have nothing in common.
Riya is standing at point B, facing South- West. She turns 315° in the clockwise direction. Which direction will she be facing? AWest BSouth-East CSouth-West DSouth
Look at the given grid carefully. Which of the following is not given in the grid? AGas produced in wetlands by microbes BMost affected underwater species by the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere CDepletion of this layer results in an increase in ultraviolet radiation DGas produced when synthetic fertilisers are used in agriculture
If 3x + y = 81 and 81x - y = 38, then find the values of x and y respectively. A3, 1 B1, 3 C-1, 3 D-1, -3
An Indian batsman who features in Wisden's top ten batting performance for test Cricket is A B C D
Look at the given list of cities. Which of the following cities is not situated on the river Ganges? AHaridwar BAllahabad CAgra DKanpur
DIRECTION : Read the given passage and answer the question. This film follows the story of a ballerina named Nina in New York city. For the opening of their new season dance show the protagonist of the film happens to be the first choice but soon she finds herself with a competition. The main story showcases the backstage rivalry, artistic jealousy and a great work of art. The movie was an American psychological thriller. The film won many prestigious awards and was a box office hit. What is the name of this movie? AStomp the Yard BFootloose CBlack Swan DHappyfeet